Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Anti-Abortion Is Anything But Anti-Women

“'Here we go again. It’s another battle in the war on women,’ said Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee of California after the House of Representatives on Tuesday voted to impose tighter restrictions on federal payments for abortions."

This excerpt is from a Wall St. Cheat Sheet article entitled, "Obamacare Abortion Coverage Faces Threats from House Republicans."  As usual, the misguided labeling of the battle against abortion in any form as a battle against women has stirred my ire.  I have grown so weary of this mindless, automated response to anything pro-life, I want to scream, "PLEASE, JUST STOP IT!  PLEASE!"

Is there a battle against women?  Absolutely!  No argument there.  However, the sad truth is abortion is a weapon in the battle AGAINST women.  I know it may be difficult to wrap a brain around this, but yes, abortion is designed to destroy women.  This bit of information is not coming from “men in blue suits and red ties determining what women should do”—the people who Democratic Rep. Louise Slaughter insinuates are the culprits fighting against women.  No, it is coming from me, a woman through and through who possesses a genuine love for people of my gender and has had an abortion.

What needs to be understood is that the battle lines were drawn against women long ago with the first woman, the mother of all living, Eve.  Genesis 3:15 states, From now on, you and the woman will be enemies, and your offspring and her offspring will be enemies.”  These words were addressed to Satan by God.  And so it began.  As I often say, history (as well as the present) is filled with horrendous acts of violence and oppression against women…and children.  It is obvious abortion is also a fulfillment of this prophetic utterance.  It is a horrific act of violence against women and their children with the sole purpose of destruction. 

Undoubtedly, there are men who hate women, just as there are women who hate men and even women who hate women.  Even so, no one hates us more than Satan.  I have described how abortion hurts women in other blog articles, in my book, Can’t Keep Silent, and in YouTube videos, so I won’t discuss it here.  I just want to give women pause as it relates to this utterly ridiculous notion that any efforts, large or small, to stop abortion, or, in keeping with the article, to block federal funding of abortions, are acts of war against women.  Abortion IS the war against you.  I can’t say every pro-lifer has pure motives in this fight, but I know there are many pro-lifers like myself, men and women, who are fighting FOR women, as well as their unborn children.  It’s a fight against death and destruction, not you.  Don’t buy the lies.  Your real enemy is one you cannot see.

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